Monday, August 6, 2007

She's sitting in a chair

may not seem like much, but I'm thrilled. Lina got the dressing on her back changed today,and the drain in her leg comes out, so they say, later today. Hopefully, we wil leave tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath. Then we will stay at the Fitzpatrick until further notice. Lina has Nitro put on her head twice a day to hopefully open the blood flow to the portion of the flap that is discolored. She has IV antibiotics 3x's perday, IV steriod, Zantec, and two additional meds 2x's per day by mouth. She has taken everything without complaint, however, she doesn't like when the doctors come in the room. I don't really care for weekends in the hospital, but there were a few highlights, Gina-thank you for taking such great care of my girl. Helen, I love how you make me laugh!

I think she is remembering her past a little bit. She told me her curtain was on fire. She has also asked if her "Mommy" was with her. She said she didn't like her. I told her I did and that I was thankful she had her, so that she would come to us, because we love her and want the best for her. She just smiled and said she feels loved. That is a first for Lina!! I know that God has so many lessons for all that know her, additionally, I believe she is learning also. It is my prayer that Lina will understand how much she is loved!
Thank you for the comments, they brighten my day! Renee keep sending scripture! Susan you are a wonderful boost to me each day! Peggy I'm drinking some coffee right now, can't wait to do it with you at the diningroom table. Leah I love hearing your voice and the wonderful distraction of Shapes. Debbie, my ever faithful friend, thank you for calling-call Rob and get the number to my room. I love you guys! Hannah your comment was beautiful and exactly the spiritual lift my heart needed. Thank you for teaching me so much each day-I miss you. Mary, I look forward to hearing your voice everyday-it makes me smile. John, I love you! Rob, none of this would happen if not for you. You are the greatest blessing. Hugs and kisses to all!
Keep praying-we serve an awesome God, who promises never to leave me or forsake me--To him ALONE be the glory.


Susan said...

ok, thanks, I go to check updates and your post made me cry!!!! I am so happy for you and Lena. I think that means she is quite attached there MOM! Let me see, what can i sing for you.
(To the tune of The farmer in the Dell)
The Lord is our strength
The Lord is our strength
Blow your trumpets
March around
the Lord is our strength

I love reading your blog. I wonder who inspired you to blog. hummm.

oh, Jeannine just emailed me, my home study is DONE! I could make my goal of end of august for my apostilled dossier! (How cool am I with the adoption lingo down)

Our God is an awesome God, and he is touching you and Lena right now.
Your family is such a blessing to everyone around you. You have no idea. :)

Scott H. said...

Laura--glad things are going well. I love reading your updates. Give Lina our love and know that we are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I helped take care you Lina with Jaime last week and you and your family has been in my prayers every since. I am so glad to hear that things are going well and look forward to reading your posts about Lina's progress. You are such a strong person and it shows through Linas're both such an an inspiration to all of us. God Bless you guys.

Irene said...

Hi Laura,
I'm so happy that Lina is doing so well. I'm also very pleased with all the bonding going on between Lina and you. This truly is a wonderful time for you both even though the circumstances are what they are. Please know that everyone is our burn camp family has Lina and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Send Lina a kiss and a hug from me. Irene