Friday, August 3, 2007

August 2

Yesterday is almost a blur! Lina is off the vent. It was really hard to watch her go through the "process". I have come to the conclusion that I was not really prepared for this...but how would you prepare? The doctors came in this morning and took out 2 of the drains, the catheter is out, the dressings are off her face and leg. I can see how her face is changed already, but it is not easy to look at. The top of the graft is not looking great, but Dr. Rose has explained everything to me and I understand where we will go from here. All of the doctors have been so incredible. Our two nurses, Jaime (I spelled it right this time-haha) and Nicole are now friends. Nicole leaves for Florida today-have fun. And Jaime is off this weekend. The two of you have been such a blessing to Lina and to me. THANK YOU!!!!

Being adopted, I didn't get to hear Lina's heartbeat in the womb. Every hour they "doppler" her new artery, I equate the sound to the one of a baby in utero --it is again, a new bond for us.

Anyone that knows Lina is aware of her love of food--you know she's feeling better because she has had juice, eggs, jello, and peanutbutter bread this morning. She is also following directions great and listening. SHE"S BACK. I have always loved Lina, but now our relationship is forever changed, I am in awe of her strength. I love her more with each passing moment.

Please keep praying.


Susan said...

I am so glad you blogged! I kept checking yesterday but i knew it was because you were with her. So glad she's off the vent and eating!! It's probably best you weren't prepared, because then you'd just be scared. Today was the last day of VBS, and you know what we taught the kiddo's...?
GOD IS IN CHARGE! Praying and thinking of you guys...MISSIN YA !

Anonymous said...

Dear Mama,
I love and miss you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!You are such a great mother.I can hardly stand life without you.Not that dad doesn't take good care of us 'cause he does.Every night I lay awake waiting for you to tuck me in and suddenly I remember.Mom's not here.

Anonymous said...

Yea, what she said! Miss you more than you could imagine... Please give Lina a hug from all of us.

Love Rob

Anonymous said...

Laura, Wanted you to know, that our thoughts and prayers, are with you daily. You are amazing. And an inspiration to all. I wanted to leave you with a verse of scripture. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4
Shine on,