Friday, November 30, 2007


Anyone that knows me also knows that I have a hard time asking for help, I have a hard time letting people in on "my responsibilites"-I also admit that I am not a great friend. I have been humbled and made to realize what love can be. I sit here again in tears in amazement for all that the Lord has used Lina to teach me. Love is holding someones hand and expecting nothing in return. Love is not being worthy of friends that stop everything in their lives to be there for you, hold your hand, rub your back, or take a walk. Love is a friend that calls everyday, singing into the phone, or writing the lyrics to a song for all to read. Love is a friend that listens to you day or night, drinking too much coffee, and not eating enough chocolate. Love is letting people into your life, letting them see you as you truly are, and not worrying that your being judged, or that your not good enough. I know I'm not good enough, yet The most holy Lord continues to bless me with all this love.
Lina is doing great. She has been sitting up this afternoon, laughing, and she asked for a cheeseburger, but not a hospital cheeseburger--such a good sign!!! We are going to the regular floor tomorrow, and to the hotel on Sunday. Dr. Rose removed the other side of her face, and debulked the side we did in July. In stretching and debulking her "bad" eye has already opened up some. They have not taken off the bandages yet so I can't tell what the new work looks like. Thank you to all that are praying, this trip has been much easier and I feel Him with me!!
To God be the Glory!


Susan said...

You are so not a bad friend. I wish you would not say that. YOU ARE LOVED!! and your post made me cry.

Your daughter Mary is such a honey bunny. I was at the honor roll carnival today and she was so cute jumping all around. She is like a lil Mexican jumping bean. So full of energy and sweet and cute and caring--like ALL of your children.
I wonder why it is that ALL of your children are such special, wonderful, beautiful lil souls? I think perhaps it is a testament to what wonderful PARENTS they have!!!

You are loved, and I'm glad you realize it. You are kinda hard headed (no offense)

Oh, and today, I wore my tight 7 jeans--and wouldn't you know it, I had to do some game where i had to bend over and do 50 million squats picking up the balls the kids threw. My jeans are looser now, but i was so worried i was flashing the entire 4th and 5th grade. But, i was not TEMPTED to eat ice cream, or cookies.


So awesome to hear how awesome she is healing. Our God, is an awesome God!! yes indeedy doody!
We are the body!!!
Christ is born in Bethlehem!
Go tell it on the Mountain!
Ring Christmas bells,merrily ring, tell all the world, Jesus is king...
and, in closing..
And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends
And with the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you live in
Is the strength that now you show

We'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

Anonymous said...

Laura, I miss you and Lina. It kinda seems weird not going to the hospital this a.m.
How was your day? Please tell Lina we send our Love, and give her a big kiss. It was so wonderful to hear her laughing yesturday. (And you too.)
Still praying for you. Tell Gina and "Z" hello.
Love, Joanne