Sunday, December 2, 2007

Moving Day

Good morning! I spoke to Laura yesterday and she's not able to post to the blog (some problem with an intenet filter at the hospital). Both Lina and Laura are doing was great to hear both of their voices, and sounds like Lina is recovering really well. Lina and I have a joke about her going to New York 'on a ski trip' when she's headed to surgery. She let me know that she went skiing 2 times yesterday :) Hard to believe she'd have a sense of humor in the middle of all this, but she does!

They're going to be able to leave the hospital today and move to a hotel. Wahoo!!! Maybe a good night sleep is in the cards for tonight!

So many people are praying for Lina it's amazing. She is able to bounce back so quickly and both she and Laura are able to endure a really tough couple of weeks with such great spirits. Truly, this is an answered prayer! I can't wait to see what our great, mightly and loving God is going to do next!


Susan said...

That is great news! Thank you for the update Rob!


Gina Conti said...

Rob and Laura,
It has been years since I met you both in California at Pamela and Michael's home (you only had Hannah at the time). When Pamela emailed me asking for prayer for Lina's surgery, I felt honored to do it. I have been praying ever since she informed me of the operation, and I will continue to do so for her healing and comfort. How blessed Lina is to have you as her parents. God is so good to all of you! She has a bright smile! God has some great plans for Lina and your entire family of 6!!!
Blessings from California...know you are thought of and prayed for in every way.
God bless,
Gina Conti

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
As you know, you and your family are in our prayers and speedy healing thoughts. We are also keeping it going so you can return home on Saturday.
p.s. glad to see that Gina was able to log on
p.s.s how's the flexee?

Anonymous said...

Great news...I'm happy for all of you.

I am missing you Lina and looking forward to your return!

Mrs. Ardis