Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A few more days to go....

Laura still has no internet access, so I'm updating for her. We spoke last night after they had come back from the doctor's office. It sounds like all is a go for Lina and Laura to return on Saturday...WAHOO!! Lina got a well needed bath and no longer 'smells like a goat'. Laura and Lina took a walk on Monday in the city....only one block, but the fact that she took a walk is great progress.

Thanks to all for the kind words, encouragement and prayers and to our Church Family for making my part so much easier...the meals have been wonderful!


Peggy said...

I am tickled pink that the grafts have taken and Lina is healing so quickly. It is also nice to hear Laura in such good spirits and with such a positive attitude. I know that God has been at work; but it also demonstrate's Lina's and Laura's incredible strength and growth. God is Good!

I love you all,


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you Laura and Lina HOME! Praying for you like nobody's business! Love you..Shell

Anonymous said...

Pictures of Lina remain tucked in the flap of my Bible where I continue to lift her up in prayer! Our MOMS IN TOUCH group also keep her on our prayer request sheet and continued strength and faithfulness for your entire family, we think of you often and look at pictures often...Mary -you will always be my favorite flowergirl and I know that whenever you can you are taking very good care of Lina...Laura as a mom I pray for your committment regularly and know that the Lord will continue to Bless you beyond comprehension, lots and lots of love from Boston!!!! Anne