Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 25,2008

A lot has happened since my last post. I am just not so great at sitting down at the computer these days.haha Susan you continue to be my inspiration. First, a few weeks ago we had Lina's IQ retested because of her hospital home bound status--her IQ is up by 20points, previously she was "mentally handicapped" now she is "normal". We had some additional test down which indicate that she has the capacity to raise her IQ even more as she understands more than she can communicate. Given her circumstances I think that is normal. She is working hard with me each day at her "home school". Hats off to all the moms that home school year after year, it is not easy. (yes that was to you Lea!) I really hope she is able to go back to school next year. I believe being home with one-on-one teaching has been of great benefit to her. Peggy, we are having coffee right now, how is yours?

We flew out of Tampa yesterday and had a great flight in. We circled NY for about 20 minutes, but the snow on the ground looked beautiful from the plane. We walked around Grand Central Station, what a beautiful place. The moldings are breathtaking and the ceiling is the stars mapped out. We went to the pediatrician, Dr. Larsen. I don't think I've mentioned her before, but a lovely doctor that always takes great care of Lina. She even visits us in the hospital without billing!! Then, the customary night before surgery....Hamburger. She was feeling uneasy last night, we cuddled in bed watching America's Family Videos and she fell asleep. She understands was surgery means now, I'm sad that she is scared, but also pleased that she is developing mentally, and paying attention to things she used to ignore. Bill brought us to the hospital and she started losing it. I told her stories, and talking about all the fun things we have done and she soon started being a chatty Cathy again. In the surgical waiting room we met Dr. Rose, at first she wouldn't even look at him, but shortly thereafter she gave him a little hug. I walked her into surgery and sang to her and told her I love her and she signed I love you to me. I think she will be in surgery for about 8 hours--today is a big day for change. He is rebuilding her nose, taking a flap from her forehead. He is also going to take away all the scar tissue on her "bad" eye and build it up with cartilage. He is also going to do some revision of the back where he took the first flap. He will also inject cortisone in the scars on her leg. After hearing all of this her only question was, "Can I have dinner?" I'd be asking, " Can I have some drugs?" To say she is amazing would be an understatement. I wish I could put into words the feelings I have for Lina. There are SO many emotions tied to her. The most important though is the love. John 15:12!!! Thanks Pamela for the constant reminder. We are so blessed!!! First, the Lord brought us to Lina, who would have thought this was the plan. Next, he led us to Dr. Rose. Then, to Bill and the foundation. His way truly is the best!!! Shelly and Joanne, thank you for your prayers, and I wish you were here too! Rob, don't worry about me!!!! You are so incredible and I love you and thank God everyday for you. Hannah, today is your first track meet. I wish I could be there to see you run and jump. Call me the second you get home to tell me all about it. Mary when are the auditions you spoke of? Keep practicing! I know you REALLY didn't want me to go this time, the Lord will bless you richly for your generous, loving, and precious heart. John I can see your sweet smile. Remember to exercise great self-discipline, and eat your veggies! I love you sweet boy. Thanks to everyone for the prayers. I have peace right now and feel his hand in all of this.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, love to you and Lina!!!

Susan said...

ok, what is wrong with me .I'm sitting here crying.
I'm so happy that Lina's surgery today is going to really make a difference to her. She's going to look so much different! It's been such an amazing thing to watch her in her journey morph from a catepillar into the lovely butterfly. It's amazing what love does. You never give yourself any credit-but you are such an inspiration to everyone around you. I only hope i can show as much patience, love, and discpline as you have shown to all of us. Your children are blessed to have your as a mommy. :)
I am blessed to be your friend.
Yes, you are not a very good blogger, but you have kids at home...I don't think i will be such a great blogger once my kid is home from Kaz. Until then, blogs are a wonderful source of information and inspiration.

be sure to let us know how Lina does today. I know you wont' blog when you get home, so you better blog now while ya can. :)


Tia Peggy said...

Hey Girlfriend,
I was so happy to see that you were able to post this morning. It's currently the closest thing to being there! My coffee tasted like dirty water (the corporate weak variety)- hope yours was better! Lina told me Sunday that she was scared. I reminded her that God had hand picked her to perform this miracle.. and in picking her, He had made her strong enough to handle anything He would put her through... and God was right there with her every step of the way! (As well as Mommy!) I told Lina I thought that God must have thought that she was awesomely special to pick her, and I was very proud of her! What a gift that child is to everyone that will look at the miracle that she is. God has chosen Lina to teach us all so many lessons...each lesson unique to every individual that has been touched by her life in one way or another. And what a humble lesson at that! My heart is heavy that the Lina is sad right now; but her tenacity to endure, and then rise up smiling - bubbly and happy - is a far greater vision that I hold. When Lina comes out of surgery, give her a great big hug and kiss for me - and tell her thank you! Thank you for the lessons she's taught, the spirit that she has, and the gift that she is to all! And Laura, thank you... thank you for rising to the occasion when God asked you to take on this venture with Him. You too should be proud that God chose you.. and my personal thought is He couldn't have chosen any one better - or stronger - or more capable for the task. I love you!


Anonymous said...

I love you Laura Demarest (and Lina and family!). You are strong in the Lord my dear friend. My prayers are with you. Call me anytime. I am so ready to jump on the next plane to NY for some Lenny's oatmeal. Thinking of you..
