Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh my goodness!

Lina was in surgery for 9-10 hours. She came out extubated and the recovery room sent us to a regular floor. Not really the best plan. As we were getting ready to move her she began to vomit. We then went to the regular floor where the very sweet nurse said, "What? She needs to be monitored." So we met with the doctors from PICU and they agreed, as they were processing her move Laurie decided to put her on a monitor, not something they typically do on the regular floor, to find that her saturation was down to 92%. We put her back on oxygen and she was fine. Time to move to PICU, again she vomited. We got settled in ICU at about midnight, she had oxygen all night and we are beginning to take her off of it slowly. She is definitely in much more pain this time. I think this has been the Biggest, hopefully the last of the "BIG" surgeries. She is extremely swollen, her arm is ace bandaged to her body, she will leave with a sling, as she is not suppose to move her arm too much for 3 weeks (that should be fun-haha). She is sleeping now. As I look at her I just want to cry, I'm not as that won't do her any good, but she looks like someone beat the life out of her! Her right eye is swollen shut, she has bandages everywhere, only one drain this time, she has breathing tubes coming out of her new nose. She had two nostrils now. I want everyone to be prepared --- her nose looks funny right now. Dr. Rose used the forehead and turned the skin down so there is a turn in the skin at the bridge of her nose. She is a work in process! On our next trip they will nip and tuck and I'm sure it will be beautiful. Dr. Rose was extremely pleased with the outcome of this surgery. I have one of my most favorite nursed today, Gina. She has been growing her hair out for Lina and will cut and donate to Children with Hairloss very soon. Some of our friends from past visits have come by to say hello, Nicole, Jaimie, and Helen. I appreciate them so much. The small gesture of stopping by means more to me than they can imagine.
Please keep praying, there have been some changes to the sleeping arrangements for parents in the ICU. The chairs don't stay in a reclined position. No problem for a few days, but for all the parents here for months at a time----I pray a special blessing for them and their backs.
Thank you for calling, and blogging-I need the encouragement.


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura.Thinking of you. How is Lina doing? I am anxious to hear how the surgery went. How is your little trooper, Lina. Please tell her hello, and that I will be praying for her quick recovery. I do wish I was there to help you, and sit with you.
Let's praise God for all the miracles He has performed already, and in advance for all that He is going to do in you and Lina, and through you. Keep shining, Joanne

Susan said...

You are so unbelievable strong and courageous! I am sure it's very hard to see Lina in such pain and all bandaged up, and you have had zero sleep. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all now and the next couple of weeks. I pray that as she sleeps, she is recovering and the pain meds do their job. It was good talking to you today and may angels watch over both of you. :)

love you man!

Anonymous said...

I don't have many words my friend. I can't imagine the pain Lina is feeling. I only know that God Himself is lifting you up through this. Praying for God's mighty healing hand over Lina. Love you. Shelly

Anonymous said...

I don't have many words my friend. I can't imagine the pain Lina is feeling. I only know that God Himself is lifting you up through this. Praying for God's mighty healing hand over Lina. Love you. Shelly