Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

Wow it has been a really long time... In December the charity had its annual fundraising banquet and we were invited to attend. I told my sister, Lisa, that Rob, Lina and I would be going and she generously offered to pay for Hannah, Mary, and John to fly out also. We had a great time! Lina was honored with an award, for of all things, her courage. Bill told our story and the whole room was in tears, and on their feet for our family. It was truly uplifting.
And now here we are, back in NY for surgery #10. The week leading up to surgery was difficult, to say the least, I was in the most incredible pain I have EVER had and remember, I did give birth! (posted this just to remember) We did all the usual things, went to the pediatrician, then to Dr. Rose's office, we had lunch at the Comfort Diner (no friendly faces and the food was not as good as in the past). Lina wanted a Wendy's burger, FF's, and an M&M frosty for dinner, we picked it up and watched the Princess and the Frog. Lina fell asleep. Mary, I have no idea
how you get any sleep, Lina sure does SNORE. (haha) Rob left for SC today, so Hannah is stepping up and taking care of John and Mary for a few days. Susan, thanks for picking the kids up for school and for all your help last week-I really appreciate you! To my carpool friends, you girls rock--thanks for all you do to make this do-able for our family.
Lina is having a new graft put on a stint for her nose as one nostril closed up. Dr. Rose is also going to work on her mouth, eye, nose, and dermabrasion all over, to include her back. The show the Doctor's is interested in our story again, and some local NY programs want to see us in a few weeks to do a story on her. I would love for something to come through so that maybe the charity will get some recognition and donations.
I truly covet prayers-especially right now. I know the Lord is so good and I'm literally holding onto his promises. Lina is surrounded by angels and I am truly amazed at how she handles going into surgery each time. I'll update when I hear something.

1 comment:

Tia Peggy said...

I haven't been able to reach you this morning to check on Lina's condition (and yours as well), but I felt a little relieved to feel connected to you through this blog site. I can tell by your posting how incredibly tired you must be, as you literally went from one thought right into the next, and I can see how much you have on your mind and your plate. I love you in a way I cannot really describe in words, and I wish there were something I could do to lighten your load! You are an amazing woman, and God knows your commitment and sacrifice! Hang in there, and take care of yourself too! I will talk to you soon.

With all my love and admiration,

Tia Peggy