Friday, November 30, 2007


Anyone that knows me also knows that I have a hard time asking for help, I have a hard time letting people in on "my responsibilites"-I also admit that I am not a great friend. I have been humbled and made to realize what love can be. I sit here again in tears in amazement for all that the Lord has used Lina to teach me. Love is holding someones hand and expecting nothing in return. Love is not being worthy of friends that stop everything in their lives to be there for you, hold your hand, rub your back, or take a walk. Love is a friend that calls everyday, singing into the phone, or writing the lyrics to a song for all to read. Love is a friend that listens to you day or night, drinking too much coffee, and not eating enough chocolate. Love is letting people into your life, letting them see you as you truly are, and not worrying that your being judged, or that your not good enough. I know I'm not good enough, yet The most holy Lord continues to bless me with all this love.
Lina is doing great. She has been sitting up this afternoon, laughing, and she asked for a cheeseburger, but not a hospital cheeseburger--such a good sign!!! We are going to the regular floor tomorrow, and to the hotel on Sunday. Dr. Rose removed the other side of her face, and debulked the side we did in July. In stretching and debulking her "bad" eye has already opened up some. They have not taken off the bandages yet so I can't tell what the new work looks like. Thank you to all that are praying, this trip has been much easier and I feel Him with me!!
To God be the Glory!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What a Surprise

First, Lina got out of surgery at about 11:00pm. We are not in a room, but in the nurses station-talk about a sleepless night. She slept all night and through the morning, they did take her off the vent moments ago. She looks GREAT and her spirits are good. I hope she will start eating soon.
So imagine my surprise when I'm sitting next to Lina reading a book, and I look up to see Shelly and Joanne in the doorway. I can't even express the feeling that flooded me when I say them. I feel so loved, so important, so blessed... Mary I can't believe you kept this a secret. To everyone involved in making this happen, THANK YOU!!! Casting Crowns has a song, If we are the body....I am so happy to be a part of the body. Shelly and Joanne, I love you both more than words can express.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Still waiting

They are closing the gates of the waiting room and the employees are going home, still no news on Lina. The old saying no news is good news...


We arrrived in NY early Saturday morning and it was cold. Lisa thank you for the jacket, you saved me from freezing to death. (I lost one of your gloves, I'll make it up to you, haha) We rested Saturday in the room, watched a movie. On Sunday, Bill and Susan picked us up and gave us the "A" tour of NY. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Broadway, Lincoln Center, and Ground Zero. I remember watching the 2nd plane crash and feeling overwhelmed, seeing it, you realize just how devasting it really was. Monday we met with Kevin from Children's Progress. CP is helping us academically with Lina, and soon emotionally also. This software program is currently used by Shorecrest Prep to analyze their students. Lina is on track as a "public school" first grader, my goal is to have her academically equivalent to a private school first grader. Then we went to the Pediatrician to get surgical clearance, then to Applebee's for our "night before surgery treat", a hamburger and a milkshake. We got to the hospital this morning at 8:oo. We were interviewed by channel 4, channel 1, Univision, and a newspaper. Surgery got a late start 1:30, so I'll update as I get updates. She was really scared this time, but as we've grown to expect she was a trooper going into the operating room! I carried her in, laid her on the table and sang her to sleep. Peggy, we did have coffee this morning... Susan, I heard a story about a family that adopted from Kaz, and came home with 5 children, Pamela-thanks for the loving e-mail, Deb- are you out there? Renee-I'm glad I can still make you laugh! Shelly and Joanne-I feel you here with me. Mary I hope you feel better soon, I love you princess! Hannah, I am so proud of all those rebounds. John, I miss your smiling face . Rob, without you none of this would work, you are the glue! I am so blessed--Isn't it amazing to watch God ? I am thankful for all of my friends, my family, and my church. Keep praying.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I am so blessed! Thank you to all our friends that continue to support our family. Lina and I are leaving for NY Saturday, Nov 24. She is schedule to meet with Kevin at Children's Progress on Mon the 26th. This company is helping us evaluate where Lina is academically. I am looking forward to meeting with them. Then to Dr. Larsen's for Linas pre-op visit. Surgery is on the 27th, it will be a long one, so please pray. As I prepare to leave for 2 weeks I find myself trying to look to the future for Lina. For those of us that see her regularly the changes are subtle....then you look at a picture of her before surgery, and I grade her math tests and the changes are HUGE. Although I have to wait, I am so excited for her future. Hannah has 5 games while I'm gone. I really don't like missing even one, so you can imagine how sad I am about missing so many. Mary cheers at 2 games while I'm gone...and I'll miss 2 of John's games. May sound trival to some, but I really don't like to miss these things!!! As you can see, Rob has a very full plate, I know he will handle everything with ease, but please keep him in your prayers!
Lina is nervous about going to NY--she has started picking her hair again, and is misbehaving..I'm trying to be patient as she has every right to be scared-Joanne I keep singing! My girlfriend Susan should be traveling to Kaz the first of the year, please keep her family in prayer. To sweet little Madison--you are an awesome friend and I know how thankful Lina is for your friendship, we will call you after surgery so you can talk to your best friend. To my best friends-thank you for keeping me going! Isaiah 40:31--But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.