Sunday, July 6, 2008

Surgery planned for July 10

Lina and I leave for NY on the 9th. We have an appointment with the Pediatrician on at 5:00, then for the traditional cheeseburger and milkshake dinner. Our family has been approached by a national tv show that is premiering in September, The Doctors, to possibly do a story on us! Please pray that the Lord will use this opportunity to bring others unto Himself. I have not always understood why us, why me...however I have never doubted that this is God's will for our lives. It is my prayer that others would know Jesus because of the work he has done in our family. Thanks for continuing to pray. I have mentioned my friend Susan who is adopting... she finally got her LOI, permission to go to Kaz and meet her new family member, please keep her, Joe and Sean in your prayers. Also, a young lady from my church is having surgery on the 9th, Rachel, please remember her also. Pray is such a powerful gift--thank you for giving to me.


Susan said...

pray indeed--we sure will. May God grant you peace and strength for another trip to New York...and grant courage to Rob, Hannah, Mary, and John as they miss you and Lena as you go to New York again.

Great news on the tv show..that is wonderful.

Talk to you soon! LOVE YOU!
thanks for the "shout out"

Laura said...

I just randomly came to check the blog today, I am definitely thinking about you all as Lina has her surgery today! Hope all goes well, I will check back soon to find out. You guys are incredible!