Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday June 14

Well, I really stink at updating this blog. We are home and Lina is doing great. They moved the pendulum from her nose to her eye-very strange to look at- Dr. Rose fixed the area above her new nose and worked on her back. The back opened up, so she may have to have a graft in July. We are going back on July 9, surgery on the 10th. Lina truly is amazing. I think it is a blessing that she doesn't know she is different. Thank you Palmer family for the wonderful care package, it truly lifted my spirits. Thank you Mom and Dad, you truly know me--the cookies were yummy! I also apreciate you putting your life on hold to take care of the children while Rob was gone. The kids love spending time with you. To all my faithful friends, I can not do this without your continued encouragement, calls, and love. Bill and Susan, my angels--the love and admiration I have for the two of you is immeasurable. Thank you for flying Hannah out. For those they may not know, The Physically Challenged Irish and American Youth Team was in NY while Hannah, Lina and I were there. This is the charity making everything possible for Lina. Medical assistance is not the charter of the organization. They bring kids from Ireland to NY that are physically challenged, cerebral palsy, deaf, etc and they spend 2 weeks in the US. Then they send kids from the US to Ireland for 2 weeks. For some of these kids it is the only opportunity to be away from their parents, they grow physically and mentally. I was blown away. I know that I WILL be a part of the crew when my children are older. Friends, please be in thought as to a fund-raiser that we can do this year, I really want to give back to this organization and will need HELP.
I am not looking forward to going back to NY so soon, but the next surgery should create BIG changes to Lina's face. I hold firm to 1 Corinthians 15:58-Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


Susan said...

Lina is amazing ,and so are you my dear. The HOly spirt is indeed at work, and it's ok to ask him for help. :)

Enjoy your time at home until you go back in July for even bigger changes.

You do kinda stink on the blog updates, BUT, you are kinda busy and i'd rather you spend time with your family than update your blog, since I can just come see you anyway. :)

Laura said...

Hi Demarest Family! It's Laura from CAII (no longer there though). I hope everyone is doing well...just checking the blog for updates, and as always am inspired and encouraged by each of you. Thanks Laura for writing as often as you can, I really don't know how you find the time! I will be thinking about you ladies heading up to NYC in July. Take care, and thank you for being so strong! Laura Humbertson (

Anonymous said...

hey laura just checked in the blog......we will be praying for you for the july trip, love to all and thanks for the updates on rob.mary hannah and john too it is important to hear about all of you and keep them all in our prayers as well especially while you and lina are away! keep your strength up and remember a funny time when you , me and rachel went to the movies together and you smuggled in a bag of our favorite candy for each of us!!!!! i laughed soo hard and had soo much fun with our girl time!!!!!God loves you and your friend in Boston does too!!!!! Anne Micciche!