Friday, May 22, 2009

Way to go LINA

At Wellington School each month has a character trait that they talk about in morning assembly and the students work on make them a part of their lives. For example, having an "I can" attitude, perserverance, poise and get the picture. When a teacher sees the student exhibit the characteristic she can choose to award them with a key of excellence. Today Lina got a key!! In addition, she went to the front and read a beautiful paper on "Why her parents are the best" Needless to say, I was boo-hooing and so proud of her. The paper was submitted to Families on the go and she was an honorable mention--I think if the magazine knew her story, she would have won! I will post the story when I receive it! It is beautiful! She gets it--she gets what is really important in life. LOVE.
My angel Bill is coming through again, and I know the charity isn't "raking in the cash" ! He is so AMAZING and generous-thank God for his kindness. I do hope to raise funds to "pay forward" all the $$$$ the charity has put into Lina. In God's time.....

1 comment:

BabyKazfan said...

It brings me to tears thinking how far Lina has come..ALL due to you and your love and your support and your family. It's really awe inspiring. I'm so blessed to be part of your life.
I know Lina does truly get it, and what a wonderful wonderful chance you've given her at life, love, and eternal bliss. God bless you girl!