Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lina's Recovery

Lina and Laura arrived in NY on Nov 9. Her surgery was on Nov. 10th in Dr. Rose's office where she had a chin implant and laser treatment, then back to the hotel for recovery (no hospital stay this time). I spoke to Laura when they got back to the hotel and Lina sounded like she was in incredible pain. She was moaning and crying and for Lina to be complaining means she's in serious pain! She was like that all night, and the pain meds didn't do much to help her. After a visit to Dr. Rose's office the next day (and a boost in some meds!) Lina's doing a little better, but still hurting! Though it's been painful, it's 'as expected' as far as her recover and they are looking to return on Friday (the 14th)!

Please keep Lina (and Laura) in your prayers...Lina's a tough kid, she must REALLY be hurting from the laser treatment. I don't know how Laura could handle hearing Lina moaning in pain all night, knowing there's not much she can do except to let her know she's there.

All's fine at home (thank you Nancy!!!), thank you to everyone who's been praying for Lina's recovery.

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