Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Waiting is hard

It is 5:30 and Lina is still in surgery. I last heard from the Drs. office at 4:00 and that seems like a lifetime ago. I have been interviewed by 3 TV channels, 2 newspapers, and a radio station. It is wonderful that so many people are taking an interest in Lina. Thanks to everyone that is praying, e-mailing, and checking into the blog. Hannah, Mary, John, and Rob, I miss you guys, A LOT!


Unknown said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys- ALL of you! Laura, you & Rob are very special people and we admire your work with Lina.

All our best
Matt & Lisa Ziemba
RSM, California

Anonymous said...

I miss you too. I love you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan said...

I just find it so fitting that I am teaching Vacation Bible School all this week while you are doing this. Sean keeps singing.."Forever God is with us, Forever God is Strong, Forever God is with us, Forever, Forever". He is with you and Lina and the family at home who misses you. You are UNBELIEVABLE. God is real, God is with us, and I will give you tomorrow's lesson too...GOD IS STRONG! love ya!!

Anonymous said...


Howdy!! from Texas. We are praying for you guys here. What an Awesome God we serve!:)
" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a furture." Jer.29:11
Love you,