Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here we go again. She is so swollen that she stayed intubated. We spent the night in the PICU. We were surrounded by many familiar faces. Dr. Rose took out one of the large keloids on her left thigh and believes the rest will fade with Dermabrasion. He removed the large keloids on her face at the jaw-line. He shorted the muscle in her eye, which raised her eye position. He did lipo to her cheeks and contoured her nose. I didn't think this surgery would be so long, however I understand. She is giving me the "I love you" sign, and is sleeping a lot. I met a man named Anthony, and his daughter Lisa, mom - Marie was having a masectomy-lovely people, and I enjoyed speaking with them. I also just met a woman named Hope, has 3 biological children and 3 adopted medical necessary kids. She also loves the Lord and is inspiring! The Lord is so beautiful and has placed incredible people in my path. I've been downstairs for quite a while, I love the break but need to get back.


Anonymous said...

Ok, my computer is working again! I just talked to Rob too and he gave me an update. I love you Laura and Lina and praying for God's amazing healing over Lina's body. Stay strong my sister and call me if you want to chat. Shell

Anonymous said...

Dearest Laura and Lina!

Our hearts are full of prayers for you. We lift up praises to God and all His tender, healing mercies!

Can't wait till you're able to come back so we can hug you in person!

Bestest blessings,
Elaine :)

Anonymous said...

hi mommy! i miss you. you're doing a great job. remember, god loves you, and I do too!!!

Bird said...


You are wonderful Mother, Lina is strong, and God is GOOD! Hang in there! We are praying for Lina, you, and the family.

Rob, Angie, Matthew, & Jared

Anonymous said...

Hi, precious Laura & Lina, read the last comment fr June4,Wow! Do we serve a mighty GOD or what! He has provided strength, healing, Fellowship, and a constant reminder that He will be right their for you..Love you both. Blessings and prayers are lifted to our merciful Father, Nancy ,

BabyKazfan said...

I'm so mad I didnt' check this earlier.......thinkign of you constantly and praying for you both. I got all teary eyed reading Hannah and Mary's are such an amazing momma to all your kiddo's and and your friends.

Leeza misses you..LALALAL she says.
peeeza COME home. :)