Thursday, October 9, 2008

November 10

Lina's next surgery is scheduled for November 10th. She will be getting a chin implant, and laser on her scars. We will be there for a week, God-willing. Lina's behavior has been less than desirable lately, maybe regression due to nervousness. I have been praying for the Lord to teach me how to be a better parent to her.


Susan said...

you are a wonderful parent my dear. I'm sure she is nervous, love her heart.

Leeza will have a chat with her for you when we get home.


THANKS again for all your help.
you are a wonderful momma and wonderful person and i love you and thank God for your friendship every day!

Tia Peggy said...

Don’t die of shock when you see that I’ve commented. I check your blog often, but often times I am in a hurry and only have a minute to peak and see what you have to share. Then I wait to respond when I have time to think of something profound to say. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can say that could possibly be as profound as what you are living and doing in your life… and the walk you walk every day. God only asks that we trust in him, listen to hear his voice, and then heed. You truly listen, and even when it is not what you planned on; even when you think you are not strong enough… you act. That is more than I can say for most of us. It is not in being perfect (you are way too hard on yourself) but in doing. You have proven to everyone else how strong you are (even if you haven’t convinced yourself). You are an amazing parent (after all, God chose YOU to be Lena’s guardian) and a remarkable Christian. You are living it! You are the best example I know of walking that “narrow path” that God has laid before us. As far as Lena’s behavior … one day at a time! Hang in there! You (and your family) are always in my prayers, and in my heart! You should know by now, I am in it for the long haul.
I love you, Tia Peggy

Anonymous said...

Psalm 34:17 "The righteous cry out and the Lord hears, and delievers them out of all of their troubles"

Josh. 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD our God will be with you wherever you go."

My sweet and wonderful friend, you are a wonderful mother and such a special sister in Christ to me. I am praying for you as you continue on in this journey with Lina. May God go before you this week and pave the way for you both. There is a Light at the end of this tunnel. And I think we are all going to be amazed at the other end of all of what God is doing in you and through your precious family. Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

You should be honored. This is the first blog I have ever read and am responding. I know these trips have been tough for you. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and Rob. I have so much enjoyed getting to know you all better and learning how to better pray for you. Keep your spirits up and as you look up know that God is in control and that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Since I am not sure I will get my name signed correctly below--this is from Jim Harrington

Bird said...

Lina & Laura:

We are all praying for you as you start another venture to New York. We know it is a struggle to leave home and your family one more time. We are sure God’s will and his love is where you find strength to keep going. This evening in our small group of children everyone missed Lina. Everyone wanted to send a message for Lina as she heads for more surgery. I was not there tonight because I have a nasty cold and decided it would not be wise to Share!! Angie collected messages from each of the children so I could update your Blog. Here are the messages:

Mili: I pray that it won’t hurt too much.
Jay: I pray you feel better soon.
Chancey: I pray you feel better soon.
Jared: I am praying for you. Remember, God is with you.
Kaitlyn: I am praying that you get through the surgery ok.
Katie: I pray you feel better soon.
Alyssa: We missed you tonight in our small group.

Angie missed you tonight. She is praying for you and looks forward to seeing you again in church and in our small group on Sunday evening. She loves you and knows you are in great hands with God and your mother taking care of you.

Ms. Sharon misses you. She is praying for you and looks forward to seeing you soon.

Lina & Laura stop what you are doing, close your eyes and if you pray to feel our love I am sure you will feel all of us hugging you and feeling our prayers.

We Love You.

Rob Bird

Susan said...

since you told me you may not update this on this trip-I wasn't sure if you'd seet his note or not-but today is monday-nov 10th and i left you a message earlier.

Praying for you guys and love ya muchly.

Jill said...

You are a fabulous parent and role model for others! Don't doubt yourself for a moment! We are praying for you guys during this next leg of the process!!

Scott H. said...

Laura--sorry I couldn't get you on the phone today. Know that you are in our prayers and thoughts. You and Rob are very special people for all you have done. Remember SCC from Friday night..."Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

The girls did really good Monday night @Shorecrest. I think we'll see a totally different team this season.


Tia Peggy said...

My heart breaks that Lina is having such a difficult time this go around. She is such a strong trooper -- I have no doubt she will pull through this challenge as well. God is in control and He will not allow her to go through anything she cannot handle (nor you).

There is a pattern with Lina – every time there is a behavioral issue, there is a period of growth that follows. Perhaps we should consider her lapse in behavior as a period of time that she sort of "shuts down" in preparation of that next leap. Each one of your children offers something to Lina that she needs - Hannah offers leadership; Mary teaches compassion; and John brings animation. With that I mean this: with two young ladies that set the bar so high (Hannah and Mary are amazing!) I think Lina often feels she cannot compete. (She has not yet learned that she holds her own bright light.) John brings a level of energy and vibrance that kind of lightens the load – allowing Lina to be comfortable in her own skin. And then Rob demonstrates stability, and no doubt is the perfect role model for who Lina will look for one day in the future in a man, a husband and a father.

But for all they do, you are helping sculpt her character the most. Without question, you demonstrate unconditional love. At home you keep her grounded. You teach her to be a part of family – and much bigger than that to be a part of a whole. With all the attention she gets with her visible scars, you don’t allow that to single her out or hold her back. It is natural for people to feel sorry for her because of her tragedy; your “tough” love encourages her to move forward to become that person to fulfill God’s amazing plan for her. But when you two go to New York – you know God could have worked his miracle just as easily locally – it allows you that one on one with Lina that she needs now and again to remind her that she is special. At home you have to be “tough” to overcome her tenacity. While away, your role is not to teach, but to comfort. Your nurturing is a time of bonding, a time of renewal. Lina always softens when you two have that quality time together. And both of you come back a little stronger for the experience. (You a little more tired, but yes, I’ve watched you grow too!)

I know I’ve been wordy, but I sat down with the intent to say “Hi, I’m thinking about you!” and somehow what spilled out was this revelation. God is amazing! Anyway, both of you hang in there! You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!

With all my love,

Tia Peggy