Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Out of the Hospital...

Lina was released from the hospital over the weekend. She and Laura have been out for a few days now and Laura doesn't have internet access at the hotel, so I'm posting for her.

Lina's doing well. She's eating, she's joking around and all around sounds like she's "Lina" again. They went to see Dr. Rose yesterday and he gave them some news none of us wanted to hear. They need to stay an extra week to take care of a graft that needs some attention. Rather than come back on Friday, they'll need to stay till March 13th. Ouch!

Laura got a look under the bandages yesterday and wanted everyone to know that it's far from done at this point. Dr. Rose is still 'molding the clay' and it looks akward right now.

Sorry for the short post, but have to run kids to school. Keep the prayers coming! Thanks,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hang in there laura...sorry u need to stay longer but u will be home for Easter week and be together with your family! Praise the Lord! Maybe a longer stay now means one less trip later and better recovery for little Lina. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. I will be in Florida from the 11th until the 18th helping my mom with a knee replacement...I will surely call you ! love, Anne