Thursday, October 15, 2009

And the hits just keep on coming...

So we all know that I love babies, but they put a crying baby in our room, and didn't seem to think that was a problem. I am so happy to say Dr. Rose agreed and okay'd us being discharged, so I am getting us ready to go to the hotel. Lina is doing great! Still very tired, not hungry yet but it will come. This has been a challenging trip, one thing after another, please pray that I will write a constructive letter. My friend Larry's daughter is going home, please pray that her recovery will be fast so that we can all watch her play next season.
Praise be to God for all things.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where is she????

So I spoke with Dr. Rose last night after surgery and he said, " We hit a homerun." Then I went to recovery and she wasn't there. The woman in recovery couldn't find her....finally she was in Picu 3rd floor. She was extubated and did pretty well through the night. She got a bath, sat in a chair, but the magic moment hasn't come yet, she still isn't hungry. On a side note, I left one of our bags at the hotel and accidentally left my scripts, well no effexor makes for a BIG headache, so I left to get the meds and had the WORST taxi ride of my life, I thought for sure I was going to lose it....I didn't. On the way back to the hospital I begged the driver to go slow, he did and all is well. So, Lina had major work done to her eye-cartilage from her ear put in the bottom lid, the upper lid shortened. Major work to the nose and lips. She is not nearly as swollen as previous and I think we will be out of here by Friday. I have been doing the Beth Moore Believing God study and today was about miracles of the New Testament. I guess many don't believe that God is still performing miracles, I know he is. Please continue to pray for Lina and I. Also, woohoo, Hope is here, sadly her daughter Alana had been here for a month. Please keep her and the family in your prayers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How many more???

I have meet some wonderful people this trip, please pray for Mary, having surgery on her shoulder due to cancer, they can't find the primary source of the cancer. Also, Kherisa, goalie for the Rochester field hockey team, having back surgery. We arrived in NY yesterday and went to Laura Gellers makeup studio. Lina enjoyed having makeup put on and felt like a princess. Then to Dr. Rose's office. We took pictures and then did a side-by-side comparison, WOW. She really has come a long way. For those of us that see her everyday...wait until you see the pictures. Then to the pediatrician. Lina didn't even bat an eye when they did the finger prick for a CBC, usually she wails. What an amazing little girl. We ate a cheeseburger and shake and headed to bed early, she fell asleep watching Night in the Museum, II. This morning she cried very little and went to sleep peacefully. I haven't heard ANYTHING. To all those praying, thank you! Prior to this trip I threw a few temper tantrums, The Lord is ever faithful though and loves me despite my shortcomings. I was on my face a lot last week and it has prepared me for this week. He is so good!

Friday, September 18, 2009

October 12

Quick update...we are going to NY on the 12th, surgery on the 13. Depending on the Lord, COMPLETELY!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

There's no place like home

We are home! This is the first time we flew Northwest and Rob had nothing good to say about them, but so far, they have been the best!! I was joking around with one of the flight attendants and low and behold, he was the head guy--right before the plane took off he upgraded us to first class--what a blessing. Then I got home to lots of hugs and kisses and a clean house. Thank you Nancy, Elaine, and Diane--I love you! I can't begin to express my thankfulness and happiness to all my friends and family. I am humbled by the love you have all given so freely to us. To everyone in my Sunday school class-you are the best. Lina did great on Friday-she was crying, and sweating like crazy, but she handled having what seemed like a million stitches removed from her face, leg, and groin area. She is still swollen, however she is looking great. This was our best trip-not the easiest, it was actually more than I thought it would be, but the two of us continue to bond and look to each other for support. She is precious and has grown up so much! She even cracked a joke while on the phone with Hannah-Hannah asked what are you doing tomorrow and she responded with no hesitation, I'm taking a shower and then mom is going to count my stitches, sounds like fun, right? Hannah and I were cracking up. John has been extremely helpful while I was gone, and seemed to really miss me( I missed him too). Mary and Hannah continue to be supportive, compassionate, loving, and all-around incredible. The three of them understand that they are making a difference for Jesus, and they are so important in this journey. Rob continues to be the glue holding everything together. And he is so stinkin handsome, how did I get so lucky????? I am so happy to be home. I must say I am exhausted and emotionally spent-however I know I am blessed and thank The Lord each day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catching Up...

Laura hasn't had internet access, so i'll catch everyone up on their progress.

On Tuesday they got out of the Hotel for a while and walked to the Comfort Diner...about 2 blocks from the hotel and saw their favorite waiter, Rodger. Lina's food intake is a good barometer of how she's feeling. Lina had 3 eggs/2 pcs of toast / french Fries and a choclate milkshake...she's back!!!

Wed. was a doctor's visit, he took out only a few stitches. The rest will come out on Friday. Then they went to their favorite place for hamburgers, Melons with Bill & Sue Broderick. Always good time with the Brodericks, L&L truly enjoy their time with them.

Friday they'll get the rest of the stitches removed (over 150!!). Please pray that this goes well and that Lina will not be in pain. Both Lina and Laura are doing well, in great spirits! They're really looking forward to getting home on Saturday afternoon.

Friday, June 5, 2009

She kinda looks like Veronica from Willy Wonka

She is so swollen that I think she is going to burst!! We have been tapering off the morphine, in hope that we can take her off the vent today. Then be moved to a regular floor and out of here. We will not be coming home on Wednesday as that is the first day we will see Dr. Rose when we leave the hospital. I am not comforable with only one post op visit before going home. She has been very quite this time around. I have been putting ice packs on her face 20 minutes every hour for the last two days. All is good and I praise God for all he is doing.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here we go again. She is so swollen that she stayed intubated. We spent the night in the PICU. We were surrounded by many familiar faces. Dr. Rose took out one of the large keloids on her left thigh and believes the rest will fade with Dermabrasion. He removed the large keloids on her face at the jaw-line. He shorted the muscle in her eye, which raised her eye position. He did lipo to her cheeks and contoured her nose. I didn't think this surgery would be so long, however I understand. She is giving me the "I love you" sign, and is sleeping a lot. I met a man named Anthony, and his daughter Lisa, mom - Marie was having a masectomy-lovely people, and I enjoyed speaking with them. I also just met a woman named Hope, has 3 biological children and 3 adopted medical necessary kids. She also loves the Lord and is inspiring! The Lord is so beautiful and has placed incredible people in my path. I've been downstairs for quite a while, I love the break but need to get back.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lina's Out of Surgery

Just spoke with Laura and as of 4:30, Lina was out of surgery. Dr. Rose did work on her nose/eye/chin and more...sounds like this was a bigger than we thought! No word yet on how she's feeling, but she is in ICU for now. Keep the prayers coming!!! It's such an encouragement to know how many friends and family are watching over us and are diligent in their prayers for Lina...thank you!! Rob

She is in surgery

We arrived in NY yesterday, pretty empty flight. We saw Dr. Larsen the pediatrician and then Lina had 2 mini-hamburgers, a BIG chocolate shake, and fries. We cuddled in bed and she told me she really didn't want to have surgery, then fell asleep. This morning she was in great spirits and didn't start to cry until Dr. Rose came in to say hello. I brought her into surgery and sang her to sleep. Dr. Rose will be trimming her lips, contouring her cheeks, lifting the eye, shaping the nose, and doing something to the left quad (donor site). We will be her for 3-4 days, then to the Fitzpatrick. Bill picked us up this morning and is headed to NJ for a case. I really appreciate that he is willing to pick us up and bring us to the hospital, it is so nice. He is so nice. Thank you to all my friends that are praying! Mom and Dad thanks for the support!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Way to go LINA

At Wellington School each month has a character trait that they talk about in morning assembly and the students work on make them a part of their lives. For example, having an "I can" attitude, perserverance, poise and get the picture. When a teacher sees the student exhibit the characteristic she can choose to award them with a key of excellence. Today Lina got a key!! In addition, she went to the front and read a beautiful paper on "Why her parents are the best" Needless to say, I was boo-hooing and so proud of her. The paper was submitted to Families on the go and she was an honorable mention--I think if the magazine knew her story, she would have won! I will post the story when I receive it! It is beautiful! She gets it--she gets what is really important in life. LOVE.
My angel Bill is coming through again, and I know the charity isn't "raking in the cash" ! He is so AMAZING and generous-thank God for his kindness. I do hope to raise funds to "pay forward" all the $$$$ the charity has put into Lina. In God's time.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Next surgery is June 3

I stink at this updating much going on. For the record, I had surgery on Tuesday, May 12 to remove a tumor from my left breast. Pathology came back fast and I am cancer-free, all praise and glory to God. So on to Lina, we will leave the 2nd, surgery on the 3rd, and God-willing we will be coming home on the 10th. He is going to work on the whole face,re-fining and the likes. With the economy being as it is, the charity helping us is not doing well, so we got Dr. Rose approved as an in-network provider, I know the Lord will provide. The school year is almost over, Hannah is driving, and this promises to be an awesome summer.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Truly Amazing

It has been such a long time since I've updated...Susan you put me to shame girl! Lina is doing amazing. She has recently made it into book club, continues to make 100% on spelling tests, and understands the current math chapter. Most importantly she is developing into a loving, kind, and helpful young lady. I have had so many mixed emotions with Lina, frustration, compassion, a desire to wring her neck , to hugging her for hours on end. I can truly say that the love I have for her is special, unique, and unending. The Lord has taught ( and is still teaching) me wonderful life lessons, but the most important is that love can fix anything.